Aujourd'hui, une page très colorée dans mon Art Journal avec Ink Art Designs. J'ai utilisé les tampons Rubber Dance," Swatch it" and "Textured Houses".
Today, a very colorful page in my Art Journal with Ink Art Designs. I used the Rubber Dance, "Swatch it" and "Textured Houses" stamps.
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How to do
How to do
Je prépare d'abord mon fond de page avec de la peinture acrylique verte.
First, I prepare my background with green acrylic paint.
First, I prepare my background with green acrylic paint.
Une fois le fond sec, je rajoute des losanges avec un pochoir TCW et de la pâte à texture blanche mélangée à de la peinture bleue.
Je prépare également un cercle peint en rose fushia.
Once the bottom is dry, I add diamonds with a TCW stencil and white texture paste mixed with blue paint.
I am also preparing a circle painted in pink.
Once the bottom is dry, I add diamonds with a TCW stencil and white texture paste mixed with blue paint.
I am also preparing a circle painted in pink.
Je refais la même chose avec deux autres pochoirs TCW, l'un en blanc et le second en mauve.
Vous pouvez trouver quelques pochoirs TCW sur la boutique Ink Art Designs.
Vous pouvez trouver quelques pochoirs TCW sur la boutique Ink Art Designs.
I do the same thing with two other stencils, one in white and the second in purple.You can find some TCW stencils on Ink Art Designs.
Je tamponne quelques maisons du set de tampons que je colorie à l'aquarelle.
je tamponne aussi mes petits rectangles et carrés du set de tampons "Swatch It" que je colorise également à l'aquarelle. Je découpe le tout. Je colle les maisons sur le cercle et je déssine autour à l'aide de markers.
I stamp a few houses from the stamp set which I color with watercolor paints.
I also stamp my little rectangles and squares with the "Swatch It" stamps set which I also color with watercolor. I cut everything. I glue the houses on the circle and draw around with markers.
I stamp a few houses from the stamp set which I color with watercolor paints.
I also stamp my little rectangles and squares with the "Swatch It" stamps set which I also color with watercolor. I cut everything. I glue the houses on the circle and draw around with markers.
Je rajoute des traces de cercles avec du gesso noir et je dessine quelques doodles. Je termine en collant mes carrés et rectangles et en rajoutant un titre.
I add traces of circles with black gesso and I draw some doodles. I finish by pasting my squares and rectangles and adding a title.
I add traces of circles with black gesso and I draw some doodles. I finish by pasting my squares and rectangles and adding a title.
Je colle le cercle sur le coté droit. et je rajoute de l'écriture autour.
I stick the circle on the right side. and I add writing around it.
I stick the circle on the right side. and I add writing around it.
Retrouvez tous les merveilleux set de tampons sur Ink Art Design et plein de magnifiques idées sur le blog. J'espère que ce pas à pas vous aura inspiré!
Find all the wonderful stamps set on Ink Art Design and lots of great ideas on the blog. I hope this step by step will have inspired you!
Un grand merci à mon amie Dot et sa merveilleuse boutique Ink Art Designs!
A big thank you to my friend Dot and her wonderful shop Ink Art Designs!
Merci de votre visite.
Thanks for visiting.
Design Team

Hi Marie-Christine, there is sooo much to love on these art journal pages! The stenciling is fantastic - and the palette stamping which shows that colours that you have used, looks great too.
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Ink Art Designs - the home of great stamps and stencils